Another year has begun, fresh with opportunity!
Are you secretly hoping that THIS IS THE ONE
-this is the year those big visions and dreams start taking off?
Or are you starting to feel those sinking feelings again that….maybe it won’t happen again as you dreamt, that your passions, ideas and the work you want to do in your heart of hearts would fade away.
And all those soul clients and impact you can make…
That all of that was just wishful thinking anyway
Because life is going to happen and take back all those grand plans no matter what you do
(Cue the sound of fears torpedoing in, drowning everything out)
it doesn’t have to be this way…AGAIN
Your dreams matter
Your vision and purpose matters
Your heart definitely matters
And at the start of the year, now is your opportunity to turn a new page
And write a new story
One of resounding success
One where your heart is overflowing with joy because you are living your dreams, revelling in your passions and serving magnificently with your gifts
Hi, I’m Sasha Niala, Spiritual Business Coach and Intuitive Healer at your service.
I know the pain and struggles that come with having these grand ideas of how you can change the world around you but not enough room, motivation or energy to follow through.
Several years back, I became so disconnected from my big passion of natural medicine while also trying to find my balance in a challenging situation that left me feeling exhausted.
My big business dreams were overshadowed by non-stop what-ifs and fears and I found myself sinking deep into apathy and frustration.
I had lost my drive to do the work I so loved.
Until that special day came when I reconnected with my purpose and vision again.
Suddenly, everything clicked into place and within days, I was back on track, and excited that I was getting booked up with my soul clients after months of quiet.
I’m here to tell you anything is possible, and this is especially true for your dreams!
So If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck and missing that buzz of excitement in your business at the start of the new year, it’s the perfect time to write a fresh story…
1. A vision
2. A plan or roadmap to get there
Without a vision, you have no ‘star’ to hitch your wagon to.
You may be going with the flow but it’s still important to know which flow you’re going along with…so you don’t get lost at sea, tossed about by the waves of life. With a destination in mind, your path itself becomes clearer as you are indicating to the Universe clearly in which direction you are heading.
And when your destination is linked to your higher purpose and vision, your path becomes more fulfilling, fun and more open for the Universe to step in and help.
And we can all do with more ease, right?
‘If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will do’ ~ The Cheshire Cat
If you want to make 2024 one of soul-satisfying biz success, that’s what you must align with…and chart the course to suit.
‘Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination’ ~ Fitzhugh
Glad you asked 🙂
For this is exactly what we will be covering in the 2024 Dreams Come True Playshop.
It’s time to dust off the cobwebs and remnants still lying around from last year and clear a fresh, space for the new year!
Nature abhors a vacuum and we want to ensure what gets filled into your business is the premium fuel for soul-satisfying success.
At the end of this Step, you’ll feel lighter and brighter, and truly like a grand hostess for 2024.
It’s time to unpack the magic of 2024 and what vision is truly aligned with you now as you step fully into the new year. Where are you heading over the next year?
At the end of this Step, you’ll feel aligned with your business mission and vision and get clarity on what that looks like exactly over the coming months. Vision board fun included.
We have the vision and your destination in mind. Now it’s time to chart our course there. What are the specific goals and milestones along the way that will signal that you are moving forward?
At the end of this Step, you’ll get clarity on what exactly you’d truly like to accomplish in the first quarter with an action plan to make it all happen, with a touch of magic and ladles of ease.
You’ll leave the Playshop with:
It’s 100% FREE to join!
No strings attached.
Just sign up below and join us to get your business off to a fresh start in 2024, prepped and ready to manifest your biggest dreams! You’ll be so glad you did 🙂
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